South African Bishop and the Dismantling of Vatican II

As the FIFA World Cup in South Africa draws to a close it is timely to draw attention to a couple of interesting articles from their press that don't talk about football. 

Instead these engage on the eternal debate about the direction that the Catholic Church is taking ....

The first one is a link to an article here in America Magazine July 07 written by James Martin  SJ ( does this man ever get any rest from work ? - his stuff is ubiquitous !! ) 
The article deals with the strong speech given by Kevin Dowling, C.Ss.R., the Catholic bishop of Rostenburg, South Africa, to a group of "leading laity" in Cape Town, on June 1. (Photo of Bishop Dowling below)

Bishop Dowling's speech begins with a reference to a Tridentine Mass celebrated by Bishop Edward Slattery in Washington, DC on April 24 and to the cappa magna Slattery wore in procession. To help those who unfamiliar with the vesture Dowling mentions, here's a video of Bishop Slattery at that liturgy.

This is a short extract from Bishop Dowling's speech
The Southern Cross [South Africa's "national Catholic weekly"] about three or four weeks ago published a picture of Bishop Slattery with his “cappa magna” – in colour... For me, such a display of what amounts to triumphalism in a Church torn apart by the sexual abuse scandal, is most unfortunate.

What happened there bore the marks of a medieval royal court, not the humble, servant leadership modelled by Jesus. But it seems to me that this is also a symbol of what has been happening in the Church especially since Pope John Paul II became the Bishop of Rome and up till today - and that is “restorationism”, the carefully planned dismantling of the theology, ecclesiology, pastoral vision, indeed the “opening of the windows” of Vatican II – in order to “restore” a previous, or more controllable model of Church through an increasingly centralised power structure; a structure which now controls everything in the life of the Church through a network of Vatican Congregations led by Cardinals who ensure strict compliance with what is deemed by them to be “orthodox”.
Those who do not comply face censure and punishment..."
The full address of Bishop Dowling is great stuff. - If you want to read it click here. I wish that our UK Cardinal Vincent Nichols would be as brave.

The second one here has interesting exchanges on the difference between dissent and disloyalty.

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